People all love the lace front wig as it’s flexible and easier to install. The lace in the front like your own natural hairline and can be any hairstyle.Lace front wigs are easy and quick to install.First, clean up your skin. Next, apply the wig. Finally, use any adhesive or wig tape and pull up your wig. Once your wig is perfectly aligned, you can do any hairstyle whatever you like. Today we will tell you something about how to care your lace front wig and let your human hair wig last longer.
1. Remove Your Wig from head
When you have been wear your lace front wig for time. You can take off our wig out and maintain it. First you can use commercial wig adhesive remover or regular baby oil to remove any adhesive or tape. Rub the lace where it meets the adhesive gently until remove the adhesive out and the lace lifted from the staple. Remember do not pull the lace, it will damage your lace front wig
2. About Washing your lace front wig
Make sure washing your wig regularly. After you wear your wig about 8-12 times, you can take it off and wash it .first brush the wig and remove the knots. Second apply the shampoo and use the warm water to wash it. Third place the lace front wig on model cap and let it air dry before brushing. Wash your lace front wig with Professional shampoos and conditioners. it can be purchased at beauty stores.
3. Store your wig in a right way
Storage lace front wig in the right way it can last the lift span of the lace wig. When you don’t wear you human hair wig, please put the wig on the wig rack or put into one wig bag. If you are between washes, make sure there is no adhesive or tape attached to the wig before storage.You can buy wig holders at wig supply stores or online. Of course you can wear your wig when you go to bed. However if you want to your lace wig last longer, we suggest you can take off when you sleep and put it into wig cap or wig rack.
A lace human hair wig is made by hand and is tied on a lace base one strand at a time. It’s important to learn how to take proper care of lace front wig since lace wig its expensive and it has a good while being worming. Hope our article will help you.